Monday, September 16, 2019

Concert this Thursday 19/09 Den Haag!


Really happy to play again in my favorite cosy setting,
in Elatiko living room concerts in The Hague!

It will be on Thursday at 19.00.
If you would like to come, write here on Elatiko and book a place
because the space is very limited!

See you!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Μερικά καινούρια κομμάτια/ some new songs!

Γεια χαρά!

Εδώ μερικά κομμάτια που δουλέυουμε με την παρέα στην Αθήνα, Δάφνη/ κλαρίνο, Θάνο/βιολί, Κατερίνα/ κρουστά και γω στο λαούτο. Τραγουδάμε και δουλέυουμε καινούρια κομμάτια δικά μας που έχουν βγει μέσα απο τις παραδοσιακές μελωδίες και σοφίες που μαθαίνουμε τόσο καιρό.. Εδώ είναι ηχογραφημένα πρόχειρα απο πρόβες μαζέμάτα αλλά
ελπίζουμε και σκοπεύουμε σύντομα να τα καταγράψουμε (αυτά και άλλα) με ένα πιο καθαρό και οργανωμένο τρόπο!

Αμαν γιαρει

Σκοπός που από κάπου μου' ρθε πριν μερικούς μήνες στην Κρήτη. Και μέσα απο την παρέα μας έγινε κάπως έτσι. Οι μαντινάδες δεν είναι στάνταρ, στη συγκεκριμένη βερσιον όμως λέμε  για τα χωριά και την κοινότητα κυρίως.

Πόσες φορές

Εμπνευσμένο μελωδικά από την καληνυχτιά, γνωστός σκοπός στα δωδεκάννησα και μικρασία. Και στιχουργικά, από τις τόσες σιωπές που υπάρχουν στις ζωές μας.

Πρώτα φύλλα

Κομμάτι της Δάφνης, περασμένο στην παρέα σιγά σιγά βρίσκει το δρόμο του!

Ήπειρος και Αλβανία

Τους στίχους αυτούς τους έγραψα μέτα από ένα ταξίδι στην Αλβανία και έχοντας γνωρίσει κάποιους Ηπειρώτες στην Αθήνα.. μια έκκληση για να είμαστε όσο το δυνατόν ενωμένοι και να ξεχνάμε τα σύνορα που μας βάζουν τα όποια κράτη και συστήματα αλλά και τα μίση και αντιπαλότητες που οι ίδιοι η οι οικογενειες μας τρέφουν προς τους ''αλλους''..

Monday, May 20, 2019

Lefteris Grigoriou in Germany 6-10 June!

Hello everyone!

I am really happy to welcome the friend, musician and teacher Lefteris Grigoriou to Berlin and Leipzig, for teaching and performing together!

We have three dates planned for now

THU 6th of June 21.00- Trautmann, Leipzig - write me for the info of the location

SAT 8th of June 22.00 - Artistania, Berlin - with Petra Nachtmanova, Ceyhun Kaya and Caracol

SUN 9th of June 14.00 - The Rhythms of Greece - workshop in Raw Gelande, Berlin

Here's a song of his we do together :)

Lefteris Grigoriou is a multi instumentalist, teacher and composer from Athens, Greece. Lefteris has been since 1995 running a percussion school in Athens, called Ta Krousta Tis Taki, where he teaches Djembe and african rhythms as well as greek rhythms and percussion. He travelled a lot thourgh west Africa learning the local music with great teachers. He has played and travelled all over Greece with different groups also playing the Askomadoura and Gaida which are two greek versions of the bagpipe. The last years he has been performing with his Ngoni, a harp from west africa, combining the african rhythms and forms with the greek music and improvised verse singing of fifteen syllables, called Mantinades. So came up the project name Afromantinades!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Spring Tour 2019 with Ell Sol (12-21 April)

Germany Netherlands Spring Tour with Ell Sol (12-21 April)

Hello everybody! Really happy to announce one more tour with my brother Joan! :)

12 - Zeitz, Germany w Caracol
Kunst(h)aus Zeitz (alte Stadtbibliothek), Rahnestrasse 20
13 - Leipzig, Germany w Caracol
14 - 19.00 - Warschauer Str. Berlin, Germany w Caracol
19 - 20.00 - El Atiko - Den Haag, Netherlands
20 -Leiden, Netherlands
21 - 19.00 - WAAU Sessions#2, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Ell Sol & OneMansNoise Spring tour 2019
12-21 April in Germany and Netherlands

Ell Sol (Joan Mena) is a Catalan singer-songwriter whose intense, groundbreaking performances push the boundaries of contemporary music with the soul and sensibility of an artist looking to connect in deeper ways with his audiences. With songs sung primarily in his native Catalan, his lyrics transcend language with penetrating melodies and a familiar but unconventional delivery that leaves you wanting to put your palms together or jump to feet and dance. Ell Sol combines the rich, melodic intensity of flamenco with whimsical shanties strummed on his ukulele or other unusual instruments he plays while casually strolling through the crowd interacting with a unique brand of showmanship seldom seen today.
review by Richard Morris

OneMansNoise is the project of Dimitris from Athens. Acoustic concerts, with the main instruments being the lute and the voice, bringing stories and melodies from the traditions of Greece and around the world as well as own compositions based on traditional forms. Lately including also some wind instruments, like flutes and pipes and always inviting the people to join in any possible way in a small acoustic setting..!

Joan and Dimitris have been friends and music companions for years after meeting in Netherlands in 2013. Together they travelled with music in Greece, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, UK, Spain, Ghana and now meet once again after a while, for a new little exploration journey in the spring of northern Europe.

For the first three concerts, Caracol will be joining the team. She is based in Berlin and has been part of the polyphonic group Ena Matso Kores the last years. She brings different stories and songs that will be sung together through polyphonic encounters and explained and translated through moving shadows..!



Ell Sol

Ell Sol and OneMansnoise in Greece