Saturday, September 26, 2015

Recordings from Epirus this summer!


I want to share a collection of recordings we made this summer in Epirus with my friend Daphne, while traveling, playing music and meeting the local people and their traditions. Unfortunately all the titles and lyrics are in Greek, but you can contact me for any information about the songs.
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They are all traditional local songs sung by people we met on the road. Big thank you to everyone for sharing part of their culture, hospitality and being so open to receive us in their villages.



Γεια χαρά σε όλους,

Σήμερα θέλω να μοιραστώ μια συλλογή απο ηχογραφήσεις που κάναμε αυτό το καλοκαίρι μαζί με τη φίλη μου Δάφνη στην Ήπειρο. Πρόκειται για δημοτικά/ παραδοσιακά τραγούδια που μας τραγούδησαν φίλοι που γνωρίσαμε στο ταξίδι. Ευχαριστούμε όλους για τη φιλοξενία, την ανοιχτοσύνη και την διάθεση να μοιραστούν μέρος της κουλτούρας και της μουσικής του τόπου τους.


Monday, June 29, 2015

Some recordings/ video from Ghana!


Just wanted you to know that I have uploaded a collection of recordings from our trip to Ghana with Joan and Aris.

You can listen to them in bandamp. There is mostly people playing the kologo and singing frafra music but also the xylophone, maracash, asalato, kalimba..
The names of the tracks are usually the first name of the person who is playing.

There are also a couple of videos from King Ayisoba's bar, that Aris made and will use for his film about this trip.

Thanks to all the people for the hospitality and sharing of their culture. We learned a lot and still have to.


Here's the cd.

And the videos.

Huzur - Χουζούρης!

Κατασκευαστικές πληροφορίες στα ελληνικά --

Friday, March 27, 2015



This one of the most important posts that I have been uploading. Because it has to do with a really big big project that has been developing lately. It's our music family that we have been building the past years, by playing and sharing experiences and big part of our lives. The name of this family is Ντούντηδες (Ntountides) which comes from the english word "dude".

We recently released an album with fourteen songs that we recorded all together in a house in Athens last summer. So, here are links to the recordings and videos from this recording session. Have a listen and feel free to contact us for any question, comment, cd copy or if you would like to meet and play together :)

You can also visit the bandcamp page, to listen, download and info in english about all the songs.

Here are also some live videos of the songs!

From now on, you will be hearing much more of the dudes than my personal project. It's time to do some collective life!


A girl was singing


I am really happy to upload our first release together my friend Stefano Sgarbi, who is a musician and electronic music artist, based in The Hague. Together we created a new version of a traditional greek song/ tale, using a lot of improvisation, acoustic and electronic tools. The recording is actually a live performance on Radio Tonka on the 2nd of February 2015. We didn't programe to record this properly or release it, but we really liked the result, so here it is.

The name of the story is "A girl was singing (Κοράσιν ετραγούδαγε) and you can find an attempt of an english translation below.

So, if you have an hour before going to bed and you want to have some psychedelic dreams, it's the best occasion.


Visit my bandcamp page to download and see more info.

A girl was singing, up in a tall palace 
and the wind blew her voice away, down to the seas. 
And all the ships that heard the song, they all reduced the sail. 
And a ship of friendship, a poor ship of love 
neither changes the sail nor takes the sails down. 
It only ties them lower and goes to the voice. 
- My daughter, please change the tune and sing another song. 
- How to change the tune? How to sing another song? 
if I opened my mouth, it was only to mourn; 
I have my husband in a strange land, brother in a foreign land 
and my husband got sick and he is looking for medicine, 
he wants water from his homeland, an apple from his apple tree, 
grapes from the vine that grows in his garden. 
While I am going to bring the water and the apple, 
my husband got cured and found another love. 
I try to curse him but still I feel pity. 
Let him fall from the highest, down to the lowest 
and the earth become razors and slash him. 
And let me become a passer by and pass from there. 
Doctors, you are doing good, fight the wounds, 
sharpen your knives, cut and don't feel pity. 
I have a fabric on the loom, forty five forearms, 
the ten are for a lint, the other ten for a wick 
and the rest for him to tie the wounds.


Kοράσιον ετραγούδαγε σ' ένα ψηλό παλάτι 
κι επήρ' αγέρας τη φωνή στα πέλαγα την πάει. 
Kι όσα καράβια τ' άκουσαν όλα πανιά εμαϊνάραν. 
[Kι ένα καράβι της φιλιάς, καημένο της αγάπης 
ούτε μαϊνάρει τα πανιά ούτε τα παίρνει κάτου 
τα μπάσο μούδο τα'ριξε και στη φωνή πηγαίνει.] 
- Kόρη μ' άλλαξε το σκοπό [και πες άλλο τραγούδι.] 
- Kαι πως ν' αλλάξω το σκοπό, να πω άλλο τραγούδι, 
εγώ κι αν ετραγούδησα για μοιρολόι το 'πα: 
έχω άντρα στην ξενιτιά, έχω αδελφό στα ξένα 
κι ο άντρας μ' βαριαρρώστησε και γιατρικά γυρεύει, 
θέλει νερό απ' τον τόπο του και μήλ' απ' τη μηλιά του, 
σταφύλι από το κλήμα του οπο' 'χει στην αυλή του. 
Όσο να πάγω για νερό να φέρω και το μήλο, 
ο άντρας μου ξαρρώστησε κι άλλη αγάπη πήρε. 
Κάνω να τον καταραστώ και πάλι τον λυπούμαι. 
Από ψηλά να γκρεμιστεί στα χαμηλά να πέσει 
κι γης ξουράφια να γενεί και να τον πετσοκόψει. 
Κι εγώ διαβάτης να γενώ κι από 'κει να περάσω. 
Καλώς τα κάνετε γιατροί, καλώς τα πολεμάτε, 
'κονίστε τα μαχαίρια σας, κόφτε και μη λυπάστε. 
Έχω πανί στον αργαλειό σαράντα πέντε πήχες, 
τις δέκα τ'ς έχω για ξαντό, τις δέκα για φιτίλι 
και τ'ς άλλες τ'ς αποδέλοιπες να δένει τις γιαράδες. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ντούντης - My first instrument!


This the first instrument building - related post on my blog. I hope more are gonna follow.
I want to show you my first attempt in making a music instrument. It is a baglamas (greek folk instrument) that I made for my friend Aris. He has a name and this is "Ντούντης" (dude).

As you can see in the photos the whole body is made from one piece of wood. (φλαμούρι - lime tree)
The sound board is from fir wood (έλατο), and the fretboard from ebony.

Underneath are some photos from the building process and a video of him, alive and playing in Africa, Ghana. If you don't speak greek, skip the talking in the video and listen to the song that starts after a couple minutes! 

And some info about the procedure in greek..


First steps in Syros - July 2014

After the fretboard placement - Syros - July  2014

Almost ready - Thessaloniki - December 2014

Ready! - Thessaloniki - December 2014

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Trip To The North vol2 Up-a-date-a!

Hey :)

So, I am already in the north. Actually, right now writing from Berlin. And thought it was time to make a post with some photos/recs/ videos and little stories about the trip so far.


So, we are in Thessaloniki, in Antonis workshop, and I have just completed the building of my first instrument, The Dude, a little nice baglama! And we play a song together with some friends from the band Mallia Kouvaria, which is the Dude's first one :) Here's a photo and recording. Many thanks to Antonis, Athanasia, Pantelis, Giorgos and all the amazing luthiers in this world!


We started the trip with some good friends from Thessaloniki to Sofia and made a cosy concert in Antrakt Gallery. People shared different kinds of traditional music which was really nice. Here is some videos from the concert.


In Senta, we made a concert/ jam/ party with our reggae friends Give Peace A Chance and Ashlee with her ukelele! Here's a video from the jam session :)


After staying some days in Hungary I went to The Netherlands, back to the Autonoom Centrum and made a really nice little concert with Greek songs and improvisation. Stefano joined me with his didgeridoo and tibetan bowls. After the concert Jacob played a jewish song and I joined with with the baglama. Its really beuatiful, here's a recording of it!

Next day Stefano, shared one of his old songs and we recorded it together with guitar and baglama.

I want to forget how to walk
remember only what I want 


This day I also went to the light celebration, because it was the darkest day of the year. There we recorded Dafni's dreamy melody and lyrics called Azul. We sung it all together and sent it as a present to her in Greece. :)


And here we are in London with my duders in Horni man's garden playing his outdoor musical instruments!


Hm.. there is a lot of video/ sound material from the Ntountides invasion in Berlin. Hope to have it soon and upload it :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Ghanaian Birthday Tour 2015 with Ell Sol!

Hello everyone!

In a couple days we take off for a new music experience with Joan (Ell Sol). This time we are going to celebrate both of our birthdays in Ghana. A really good friend and filmmaker, Aris, is joining us to document the travel and make a little movie out of it. We are planning to do some concerts but also improvise a lot and go with the Ghanaian people flow..! So here we post a little plan we have for the dates and the places, but feel free to contact us for any proposals, ideas :)  contact at ---

9 - Istanbul - House Concert
12 - Accra (welcome show) - House Concert
14 - Cape Coast - Gathering Beach show
16 - Nzulezo - Village
18 - Kumasi
22 - Tamale - Agape music school
24 - Bolgotanga - Village
25 - Bongo
28 - Accra - Big Joe's Pito Bar
