It is December now and I am already in London. There is a lot of nice stuff we are doing here like the UK tour with Ell Sol in January, but my "Trip To The North" is over. So, I thought it would be nice to share some of the things that happened.
Ioannina - Greece
We made a concert- music session in A.KOI.XI. Next day I was there for a really nice concert with local bands in the university and a day after that we made an improvised puppet performance with Shapatia and my fellow baglama traveller Tsitsounious. Well, Shapatia actually fell in love with Tsitsounious while our new friend Rufus the policeman would eventually arrest him and put him into jail. I have a photo from this day!
Gjirokaster - Albania
I was really lucky to spend some days at Kristo's. A place which is soon gonna be one of the coolest places to hang out in Gjirokaster. :) So, I hope to be back soon. I recorded a song with the kalimba there. It is actually two songs in one, that I finished those days. For lyrics (in greek) go to the soundcloud page of the song.
Pescara - Italy
After a really nice stay and concert in Tirana Backbackers Hostel and after passing by Bari for a couple days, I ended up in Pescara to meet some amazing people. We played some music together with The Pump and Ian Tripp. Then, I met some crazy people on the streets and we ended up in the most amazing (music) situations! Here are some recordings.
Jamming all together on the street.
Singing and freestyling in the freestyle reunion, close to the beach!
Singing Forty Rules to Make A Sound with Val!
One day we made this while sitting in a bar.
Milano - Italy
After spending a couple of days in the streets of Perugia and meeting some amazing people I went to Milano to visit my friend and see him play with their band "Jaspers". Crazy guys!
Nantes - France
I visited Lyon for a day, met some very interesting people on the streets and hitchhiked to Nantes. I spent some time in a community close to Nantes and before heading towards Netherlands, we made a great concert in the attic of a couchsurfer that was hosting me there. Unfortunately I have no sound or image from it, but it will be difficult to forget. More or less forty people squeezed in the attic and singing all together, Thanks for these moments everyone. :)
The Hague - Netherlands
After hitchiking for a couple days and playing some greek songs next to the highway for the people that drove me, I arrived to stay for two magic weeks in The Hague.The Rhythm sessions in AC went really well. It was amazing to see everyone playing music together and share this experience. MiniMono fest by Elatiko on the 7th of December was a great experience. Here's a video from my session, you can check also the other people's performances in Elatiko chanel.
Here's also a goodbye recording from The Hague. The day before leaving to London. This is text from Andreas Embirikos that my friend Nikos put into notes and I used it to improvise. :)
London - UK
So, here we are in massive London! Two songs for goodbye and hope to see you in the January Tour with Joan!
So, we are continuing our crazy experience together with Joan (Ell Sol), this time in the UK.
Our dates for now are;
14 Jan Edinbourgh - Forest Cafe
15 Jan Glasgow - House Concert
16 Jan Edinbourgh -House Concert
18 Jan Leeds - House Concert
21 Jan London - House Concert
Maybe we are gonna have a day or two more of concerts, or do something spontaneous. You can always contact us for crazy ideas or proposals! 17 is my birthday and 21 is the birthday of Joan, it's a funny way of celebrating :)
Contact whenever you want at for info, ideas or to say hi!
There is a text following to explain what is gonna happen in these sessions. It is open for everyone to join, it is for free (there will be a donation box if you wanna contribute though) and for sure we are gonna have a lot of fun, so join us! If you wanna join send me an e-mail to let me know. Then we can keep in touch about everything. Of course you can also just come by, no problem. :)
So, cheers and see you in Da Hague!
Short description
Four sessions (of -+ 3 hours) when we are going to build some simple percussion instruments, invent and learn rhythms, songs and dances together, do a lot of group games with sound and movement and of course, improvise a lot!
More analytically
The four sessions will take place in between 1-15 December, which means we are going to do two sessions per week.
The first session is going to be devoted to building the instruments. Talk about their sound, use and part in the group, and try them out. We can complete the session by inventing some rhythms and patterns and improvise on them to get to know each other.
The second session will have to do more with creating rhythms, learning how to be part of the group and interact with each other through the music. We will do that using some group games and excersises and finally improvising. Later on the same day, we will try for the first time to invent some simple singing on top of our rhythms and work on that a bit.
The third session will be a continuation of the singing process and an introduction to movement, together with the music. We will experiment in inventing simple movements/dances together with our rhythm/ songs.
On the fourth session we will work on putting all of these together and try to build something like a simple form of rhythms/ songs/ dances that we will use in the end to improvise.
Some more stuff to be said
The sessions are going to have a continuation from first to last, so, it makes sense being in all of them. It is open also for people that can’t be there for all of the sessions, but there has to be either some arrangement to know what happened and follow or to be a bit more passive in the whole procedure. We will be recording the session and I will be sending them to you to listen back, so that we can keep track of what we do and use ideas from previous sessions. The program of the session is not very strict, it is just there to give a form and direction to the whole thing. So, it is open to changes and suggestions from all the participants. What is most important is to experiment, invent, play and build a relationship between the group.
Last, but not least
This is a call open to everyone!! It doesn’t matter if you are young or old. It doesn’t matter if you think you are not a very musical person or you have a bad voice, or you don’t dance often. What matters is wanting to explore and play, wanting to be part of a group and interact with the rest of the people.
It's been quite some time since we recorded our first and only album with One And A Half Circle at my home. Actually it's been exactly two years, and we all admit that we never promoted it to let some more people listen to it, so, this is the time!
The instruments of the band and friends recorded on the cd are drums, bass, guitar, saxophone, harmonica, trumpet and electronics. There are also some vocals in a couple tracks. Moves quite close to reggae, sometimes post rock and has been composed mostly through jamming.
την Αθήνα και τον Πειραιά θα πάρουμε το καράβι και θα έρθουμε στη Σύρο
για τρεις μέρες μουσικών (και όχι μόνο) εκδηλώσεων! (Για γενικές
πληροφορίες πατήστε το λινκ για ολόκληρο το τουρ)
Πέμπτη 19 - Μπαλκόνι Πανεπιστήμιου,
19.00 - Συζήτηση πάνω στους αυτοοργανωμένους χώρους εγχειρήματα
22.00 - Ακουστική συναυλία και Βραδιά ιστορίας/ παραμυθιού (φέρε μια ιστορία!)
Παρασκευή 20 - 22.00 - Στέκι, Ακουστική συναυλία + Βραδιά ρυθμού ( φέρε ένα κρουστό!)
Πιο αναλυτικά,
σκεπτικό για αυτά τα δύο(η και τρία) event είναι να αποτελούν μια αλυσίδα
εκδηλώσεων και όχι μια συναυλία που θα επαναλαμβάνεται. Έτσι σε κάθε μια
απο τις μέρες θα γίνει κάτι διαφορετικό και ο κόσμος θα μπορεί να
βρίσκεται εκεί σε όλα (άμα γουστάρει!). Επίσης, ίσως το πιο
σημαντικό είναι η ενεργή συμμετοχή του κόσμου σε αυτά τα event. Θα
εξηγήσω ακριβώς για κάθε μέρα ξεχωριστά,
Πέμπτη 19 - 19.00 - Θα μαζευτούμε στις 19.00 για να συζητήσουμε πάνω στους αυτοοργανωμένους χώρους - εγχειρήματα μετά και απο μια μικρή παρουσίαση της κοινότητας La ZAD. 22.00 - Θα αρχίσουμε το μουσικό μέρος της βραδιάς με ένα ακουστικό/συμμετοχικό
σετ (για πληροφορίες δες εδώ στη σελίδα του τουρ) και μετά θα
ακολουθήσει ένα session με ιστορίες και μουσική. Με λίγα λόγια, εμείς θα
έχουμε έτοιμες δυο τρεις ιστορίες για να σας πούμε (μετά μουσικής) και
μετά θα καλέσουμε όποιον θέλει να πει μια ιστορία, και μείς (μαζί με
όποιον άλλο θέλει) θα την υποστηρίζουμε με μουσική. Μπορείτε να φέρετε
μια ιστορία απο τους παπούδες, φίλους, σκύλους, αληθινές, ψέυτικες,
παραμυθένιες, πραγματικά γεγονότα , εμπειρίες η απλά να σηκωθείτε να
αυτοσχεδιάσετε και ποιος ξέρει που θα πάει...!
Παρασκευή 20 - 22.00 - Θα παίξουμε
πάλι το ακουστικό σετ. Αυτή τη φορά με κάποιες αλλαγές σχετικά με την
προηγούμενη μέρα και μετά θα ακολουθήσει ενα session ρυθμού, τραγουδιού
χορού και ότι προκύψει! Φέρτε μαζί σας ένα κρουστό, μπορεί να είναι
τουμπελέκι, ντέφι, πιρούνι, μπουκάλι με ρύζι, κλειδιά η οτιδήποτε. Το
θέμα είναι να μαζευτούμε όλοι σε ένα μεγάλο κύκλο και να παίξουμε, να
τραγουδήσουμε και να χορέψουμε κάτω απ'τους ίδιους ρυθμούς.
Για οποιαδήποτε ερώτηση η πρόταση στείλτε μαιλ στο
ανοιχτοί σε όλες τις προτάσεις και κόσμο που θέλει να μοιραστεί κάτι
και μας αρέσει να σκαρώνουμε πράματα τελευταία στιγμη ;)
Η πρώτη συναυλία του τουρ θα έχει μια ταξιδιωτική ατμόσφαιρα. Θα δώσουμε ένα meeting point κάπου στην Αθήνα στις 22.00 και όταν μαζευτούμε όλοι θα οδηγήσουμε προς ένα μαγικό και απομωνομένο μέρος λίγο έξω απο την πόλη.
Πρακτικές πληροφορίες
Θα χρειαστείτε ένα αμάξι και λίγη βενζίνη. Μην ανυσηχείτε, στην Αττική θα μείνουμε. Αλλά
μην έρθετε και με άδειο ντεπόζιτο! Θα ποστάρουμε μερικές μέρες πριν δυο
τηλέφωνα επικοινωνίας για να γίνει η οργάνωση εκείνη τη μέρα. Μπορείτε
να καλέσετε για να ρωτήσετε ποιο είναι το meeting point αλλά και
αργότερα εαν χαθείτε στο δρόμο. Για οτιδήποτε άλλο επικοινωνήστε
οποιαδήποτε στιγμή στο --- --- (Γενικά αν το πάρετε απόφαση, καλό θα ναι να στείλετε ένα mail πχ "Γεια είμαστε και μείς μέσα με ένα αμάξι!" για να ξέρουμε πάνω κάτω τι γίνεται!) Φέρτε μαζί
ένα φακό η ότι άλλο φως έχετε για να φωτίσουμε λίγο τη συναυλία. Επίσης
φέρτε μπύρες, φαγητά η οτι άλλο χρειαστείτε η θέλετε να μοιραστείτε,
εφόσον μάλλον θα πάμε κάπου μακριά απο περίπτερα και μαγαζιά. Και το
τελευταίο και πιο σημαντικό για να φέρετε είναι ένα κρουστό! Γιατί μετά
την ακουστική συναυλία θα κάνουμε ένα μεγάλο κύκλο και θα παίξουμε όλοι
μαζι με κρουστά, τραγούδια, χορούς και ότι τραβάει η ψυχή σας! Γενικά
φέρτε ότι άλλο τρελό από διακοσμητικά, μπάλες, αρκουδάκια, τηλεσκόπια η
ότιδήποτε ρε παιδί μου.
Line Up (ακριβής ώρα άγνωστη)
Acoustic Covers When PunkRock Bothers, Τα ακουστικά παιδιά απο την Αθήνα
μετά απο το Κ44 και τους πεζοδρόμους είπαν να μας ακολουθήσουν και
κάπου πιο μακριά για να παίξουν χορευτικές διασκευές χωρίς κανένα
ηλεκτρικό εξοπλισμό. Beatbox, κιθάρες, φωνές και αυτό ήταν!
- Ell
Sol + One Man's Noise, Δυο σετ ενωμένα σε ένα με τραγούδια, παιχνίδια,
αυτοσχεδιασμό και ότι προκύψει! (για πιο πολλές πληροφορίες δες το event για το τουρ)
- Rhythm Session, μαζεύουμε όλα τα κρουστά που έχουμε φέρει και απλά περνάμε καλά με το ρυθμό!
Μια υποσημείωση για την ώρα συνάντησης σε σχέση με την γενική ελληνική
ώρα συνάντησης. Όταν λέμε 22.00 θα είναι πραγματικά 22.00. Καλύτερα να
είστε εκεί 21.30 παρά 22.30 :) Έτσι θα είμαστε έτοιμοι να φύγουμε και να
ξεκινήσει η περιπέτεια!
--- To meeting point κανονίστηκε! Στείλτε μου στο για οδηγίες και τηλέφωνα! ---
Saturday 14th September - 22.00 - Athens - "Gathering"
are gonna set a meeting point somewhere in Athens and when everyone is
there, we are gonna drive to a special location a bit outside of the
Practical Info
You will need a car and some gas for
it. We are not gonna drive very far, but still it's gonna be out of the
city. A couple days before we will post two phone numbers so that you can
get in touch about the meeting point or if you get lost on the way. For
any question e-mail me at any time at -- --
Bring with you a light, any beers or food you would like to have or
share. And last but not least, bring a percussion instrument with you!
At the end of the acoustic concert we are gonna play and dance all
together! You can generally bring decoration, balls, teddy bears, telescopes
or anything else you like.
Line Up ( exact time unknown)
Acoustic Covers When Punk Rock Bothers, The acoustic boys from Athens
are going to join us in this trip, to play some lively covers without
any amplification. Just beatbox, guitars and voices.
- Ell Sol +
One Man's Noise, two sets joined in one. Guitars, songs, improvisation,
games and whatever happens! (check the tour event page for detailed
- Rhythm Session, we bring together all our percussion, play, sing and dance!
* The meeting time 22.00 will be sharp. Better be there at 21.30 than 22.30 :)
--- The meeting point is set, send me an e-mail at for info and tel. numbers! ---
Ο Ell Sol (Τζοάν Μένα) είναι ένας μουσικός που κατάγεται απο τη Βαρκελώνη και μένει στη Χάγη.
Κάνει σόλο συναυλίες οι οποίες βασίζονται στην ακουστική ισπανική κιθάρα, ουκελέλε και φωνητικά.
πειραματική καταλονική φολκ αναμειγμένη με τζαζ, φλαμένκο,
αυτοσχεδιασμό και μουσικές επιρροές απο διάφορα μέρη του κόσμου,
δημιουργώντας ένα δικό του ιδίωμα. Παίζοντας κυρίως σε μικρά μέρη,
σπρώχνει τα όρια σε ότι μπορούμε να ονομάσουμε σύγχρονη μουσική και
προσπαθεί να συνδεθεί με το κοινό του μέσω αυτής. Έχει παίξει πάνω απο
40 συναυλίες στην Ευρώπη τον τελευταίο χρόνο μαζί καλλιτέχνες όπως οι
Rainstick Cowbell (Αμερική), Stephanie Pan (Αμερική), King Ayisoba
(Γκάνα) και ZEA (Ολλανδία).
One Man's Noise είναι το πρότζεκτ
του Δημήτρη Αθανασόπουλου απο την Αθήνα. Ακουστικές συναυλίες που
βασίζονται στον αυτοσχεδιασμό, συμμετοχικά παιχνίδια, τραγούδι, θέατρο
και πειραματισμό. Τα παιχνίδια και οι αυτοσχεδιασμοί μπορεί να
βασίζονται σε απλές ιδέες, φράσεις ή λέξεις, να καθοδηγούνται απο μια
κούκλα ή ένα ρολόι. Αυτό που είναι πιο σημαντικό όμως είναι η συμμετοχή
του κόσμου και η αντίληψη της μουσικής ως εξερεύνηση, παιχνίδι,
ανταλλαγή και κάτι στο οποίο δεν υπάρχει λάθος και σωστό. Η ιδέα της
ακουστικής συναυλίας και του στησίματος σε κύκλο είναι πολύ σημαντική
για νιώθουν όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες ίσοι. Είναι ένα εγχείρημα που ξεκίνησε
τον τελευταίο χρόνο αλλά έχει ταξιδέψει σε πολλές χώρες τις Ευρώπης
όπως Ολλανδία, Βέλγιο, Γαλλία, Ισπανία, Ιταλία εμπλέκοντας πολλούς
ανθρώπους, μεταδίδοντας και μαθαίνοντας απο τις εμπειρίες στο δρόμο.
Τζοάν και ο Δημήτρης γνωρίστηκαν στην Ολλανδία και αφού έπαιξαν μαζί
στη Χάγη και στην Καταλονία αποφάσισαν να κάνουν ένα μικρό τουρ στην
Ελλάδα. Ετοιμάζουν ένα ενιαίο σετ στο οποίο μπλέκουν τα δύο διαφορετικά
πράγματα που κάνουν και δοκιμάζουν συνέχεια καινούρια. Κάθε συναυλία θα
είναι διαφορετική, σε ιδιαίτερα μέρη και με καινούριες ιδέες.
Δείτε τα μέρη και τις ημερομηνίες και στείλτε μας mail για οτιδήποτε!
Μπορεί να προστεθούν και κάποιες ημερομηνίες τελευταία στγμή με αυθόρμητη διάθεση οπότε keep in touch! (ελληνικά δεν μιλάει πάντως!)
12-24 Σεπτέμβρη
Σάββατο 14 - 22.00 - Αθήνα, ΜΑΖΕΜΑ - Μeeting point με αυτοκίνητα και οδηγούμε
όλοι μαζί σε μυστική τοποθεσία + μαζί μας θα παίξουν και οι
Acoustic Covers When Punk Rock Bothers
Κυριακή 15 - Αθήνα, Συναυλία σε σπίτι (μια κλειστή συναυλία με φίλους)
Δευτέρα 16 - 20.00 - Πειραιάς, Συναυλία σε ταράτσα
Sol (Joan Mena) is a Catalan singer-songwriter whose intense,
groundbreaking performances push the boundaries of contemporary music
with the soul and sensibility of an artist looking to connect in deeper
ways with his audiences. With songs sung primarily in his native
Catalan, his lyrics transcend language with penetrating melodies and a
familiar but unconventional delivery that leaves you wanting to put your
palms together or jump to feet and dance. Ell
Sol combines the rich, melodic intensity of flamenco with whimsical
shanties strummed on his ukulele or other unusual instruments he plays
while casually strolling through the crowd interacting with a unique
brand of showmanship seldom seen today.
His new collection of music recorded in Valencia will be released in the summer of 2013.
review by Richard Morris
is the project of Dimitris Athanasopoulos from Athens. Acoustic
concerts involving improvisation, singing, games and most of all
participation of the people. Can involve also theater, puppets, books,
percussion or any other idea that comes up before the concert. This
project has been touring a lot of countries during the past months such
as Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain and Italy.
Joan and
Dimitris met in the Netherlands and after playing together in The Hague
and Catalunya decided to make a two-week tour in Greece together. Every
concert is gonna be different and special.
It's begin of August and I am just back in Greece after traveling for two months in Europe, trying to spread the music vibes, learn share and exchange with people. So, this is a post about this travel and what I learned so far. :)
5 June - The Hague
My (music) travel actually started in The Hague with a concert we organized together with Joan (Ell Sol). Sivan, my ex- housemates and really nice friend took care of the visuals and decorations and gave the place some magic. Good friends from the Hague came, that were related a lot with the creation of this music, so the atmosphere was quite intense. - In a good way :) -
Was also our first concert together with Ell Sol and made us both realize that it makes a lot of sense collaborating together and joining our energies into one!
Here are some small clips from the concert. (video by Sivan)
8 to 12 June - Paris
After being very lucky I reached Paris in a day from the Hague, hitchhiking and meeting nice people. In this enormous and chaotic city I found some friends on the streets and played in a small bar called Les Idiots. Trying to do what I do in a bar, where people go to talk with their friends, drink beers and eat was a real experiment and made me realize that maybe this is not the best setting for this kind of music. Nevertheless, it was a very interesting experience and I also made a bit of money there to go on to Nantes.
We also made a small event through couchsurfing which brought us with a couple of friends in a park playing really nice music under the rain! On the streets, between other people, I met Joris who felt for me like a simple friendly soul in a place where people seemed to be much more complex than that. He made a drawing of us sitting outisde of Centre Pompidou. Thanks!
15 June - Coueron
I arrived in Coueron (close to Nantes) again hitchiking from Paris. I used to think it's quite impossible to get out of Paris but I was lucky enough to find a very good spot. And this is in Massy. I would recommend to get the train to Massy (2 euros or so) and hitchhike from the roundabout next to the station. Anyway, in Coueron we made a house concert in the garden of a really good friend that also hosted me while I was there. It was an amazing evening with all kinds of wonderful people. Friends, neighbours, young, old, relatives, mothers, daughters.. Was amazing to meet these people, play and share this experience together. Here's a small soundclip from that evening.
16 to 19 June - La ZAD
It is the second time I visit this magic place. Maybe the most intense part of my trip. SO much to get and so difficult to explain to people who haven't been there.So, I would say just go there! In short words, it is a community of autonomous people living in the area of Notres Dames Des Landes north of Nantes where Vinci has plans to build an airport and are resisting since a couple of years. It is in fact a social experiment that can teach you some much about living in a different way..
Through all the things I experienced there and the people I met I would like to tell you about Sam, the storyteller. He travels from village to village and carries with him stories from one place to another. I met him there, heard some of his stories, played together and got his positive energy. There is a lot of things I learned from him and have been thinking a lot about.
I don't have anything to show you from my stay in La ZAD, but I think it's better this way. You can go and see with your own eyes :) If you want more info about this place and the struggle, check out their site or send me an e-mail ( ) and I can send you back some more links and info or talk about it together. :)
20 June - Noirmoutier
Shapatia made a new friend in Noirmoutier, Petida!
21 June - Bordeaux
After travelling through the west coast of France for a couple days, meeting nice people and playing music, we arrived in Bordeaux. On the day of "Fete de la musique". We had arranged to do a concert in L'Oukaze, a really nice squat with nice people and lots of things going on, such us a free shop, lots of art and music and hosting people.We made an intimate concert with +- 15 people, ate all together and danced to some nice music. One thing I learned from this event, was that music helps a lot to communicate with people that don't speak the same language with you. It was really nice to spend a couple more days there and then head to the south again.
23 June - Biscarosse
Travelling with friends in the van up to north of Spain
30 June - Granada
We finally arrived in Granada on the 27th of June and stayed there for a week. We made a concert in Huerto Del Carlos and had a lot of fun trying new things out. Unfortunately, there is no material to show. Anyway, Granada is a magic place. Just a week there was enough to suck me in to this Granada experience! Playing on the street, I met a lot of people from all over the world. Australia, Belgium, Chille, Mexico Spain, Italy. The only thing I have for you to listen is a recording from the castle, Alhambra. I found a place, entering Alhambra, which was an inside part of some walls or entrance to the area of the castle. It was very quiet and with really nice acoustics. So, I started playing and something amazing happened. A big group of tourists (30 people or so) entered this place and then went slowly out, so this made an amazing effect on the recording. You can hear the volume and dynamic of the people's voices and noises fading in and out and then I continue playing. So remember there is no editing on this recording!
5 July - Sabadell
After Granada Vasia joined me and we headed to Catalunya to meet Joan (Ell Sol) and join him for a part of his Catalunya tour. The first concert in Sabadell was in the stairs of a house! About 30 people sitting and playing on a stairway of two floors. You can watch here two videos from that day :)
And a nice photo as well.
6 July - Capellades
We went to Lemon Day festival where I saw ZA! playing for the second time.
The first time was amazing, but this was unbelievable!
You have to see this band live!
8 July - Cap De Creus
After joining Ell Sol in Moia and Casa De La Selva we ended up playing music for the sun to come out at the end of the world. The wind was playing with us for hours. When the sky was grew brighter we went to sleep. Next day was somehow like this.
19 July - Asti
Me and Vasia left Ell Sol to continue his tour with Zea and King Ayisoba and headed to Italy, passing through France. We hitchhiked a lot, spent a night on the beach and the some days in the nature, close to Pont Saint Esprit before going to Asti, to visit a good friend. We stayed there for a week and made a really nice house concert before leaving. During our stay there we visited Antonio Catalano and his magic world. I could never imagine that something like that existed before we visited him..amazing!
We have some really nice video footage from the house concert, but it will take some time to edit and upload, so for now here is a recording.
23-28 July - Cortona/Perugia
After Asti we travelled through Ravena and Bologna and Siena and arrived in an artistic farm close to Cortona. We spent there some days, helping, joining the activities and meeting people. Also played music in the center of Cortona where the ambience and people where amazing. Last stop was Perugia, we were hosted be a couchsurfer, went to a music festival, played on the street and met a lot of nice and interesting people. It was great to meet people that took Via della Viola on their hands and made it an amazing and lively place to be, full of art and events!
On the boat to Greece
We met some people from Firenze and spent nice time together. Also some very young fellows and one of them helped me draw this.
30 July - Athens
Just back and guess what; time for Shapatia to take a bath after two months!
So goodbye and see you next time :)
This is the moment! Today I upload this CD that we have been working on with friends for the past couple months. It has 12 tracks and all of them are music made with voice and improvisation. It is actually 12 ideas, that can change anytime and actually keep changing. So, let's say that this CD is a version of these ideas. This means that you can also take them and do something new with it. Feel free to sing them and improvise on them, or to take samples from these recordings and make something new! Forget about copyrights! (except if your purpose is to make money with them, in which case I will be very mad at you! :) )
Click here to download the whole thing.
I think I am really repeating myself if I say again that it is of course for free, so this is the last time. ;)
Big thanks, first to the people who took part in this; Aùrelie, Michalis, Nikos, Katerina, Chris, Bryan, Zjaedsely, Alex, Daniel, Sivan, Lynn, Oz, Vera, Jay, Rein, Joan and Sotos. Thanks to Sivan for the help with the artwork, to Masa for making the stamp for the covers and to Yuval for the photos.
I made 200 copies in a quite "basic" and DIY way and you can see how they look in the photos.
If you want a copy, just send me an e-mail and we'll find a way to send it to you wherever you are.
Mail at but don't expect to arrange this before October because I will be travelling to spread the music vibes!
Here's also a couple tracks from the cd that you can listen online.
SO, today I upload a really special CD with the name "BaboDona"that we had been working on with two friends in the past months. These two friends are Aris and Vincent. They are very good friends that live in London and study filmmaking in the same school. A couple months ago they visited me in The Hague for some days and, for some unknown reason, we started playing music and improvising every day. So, we thought, let's start recording everything and that's how this CD came out. For me, personally, it is very important because it was the birth of a lot of ideas that I used later for improvisation and a very inspiring period that gave me the motivation to start organizing some improvisation sessions. For Aris and Vincent, it is important for other reasons I guess cause it is something that we all did for the first time and had an amazing time discovering.
So you can download the cd here.
There is also a B-Side if you would like to listen more.
For the B-Side download go here.
You can also listen three of the tracks through soundcloud.
Two more things before saying goodbye. First, thanks to Sivan who is also taking part in some of the tracks.
Second, the cover was started in The Hague by the three of us, during a composition presentation (sorry to the person who was presenting!) and finished in Richmond park in London by Aris, Vincent, Pablo, Alkeos and Marilena.
Send me an e-mail for any info more or just to talk about it :)
And fill in your e-mail on the top-right of the blog if you want to receive updates for my posts, there is a lot more new stuff coming very soon!
A short video about "Forty Rules To Make A Sound"
video by Sivan Alajem
you can hear the voices of Joan and me
This is a cd I have been working on the past months with a lot of good friends. It is made of twelve tracks and we recorded every track with different friends. So, it worked this way; I had an idea which would be based on a word, a phrase or a small text and then we improvised on it. All the tracks are just music made with voice, except for two that have also some percussion. It is gonna be ready in the beginning of June and available on this blog to download for free. I will also make some copies now, but if you want one, you should better contact me at the end of the summer, when I will be back from travelling :)